Next Meeting

Sit and Stitch - Saturday, 25 January 2025

St Andrews Church Hall Plimmerton, 10.00am start


Club Day - Saturday, 8 February 2025

Plimmerton Pavilion

Speaker:  Rayna Clinton
Doors Open at 12.45 pm



Where - Meetings are held at the Plimmerton Pavilion, Sunset Parade Plimmerton, around the corner from the fire station.

All visitors are most welcome.  Members are encouraged to invite friends and bring along new members to our meetings.   

At our meetings we feature interesting speakers, exhibit our members' quilts in our 'show & tell' segment, and you get to meet new people who are all passionate about the art of quilting. Twice a year we extend the meeting time and have a workday. Workdays are great opportunities to get to know other members of the club and work on projects you are doing.

Other events in our calendar are a twice yearly mini-retreat. These are usually held in May and November and run from Friday afternoon and all day Saturday.  A Sit and Stitch day is held on the fourth Saturday of each month, starting at 10.00 am and these are also a great way to get to know other members.  These are held at St Andrews Church Hall in Plimmerton.

We look forward to seeing you at our next monthly meeting.