Contact Us

Please contact us at:

 For more information please contact our President 

Nicky at

Your Committee Members and Helpers 2023/2024

President: Nicky Gardner

Vice President:  Alison Spurdle

Membership:  Prue Cooke-Willis

 Secretary and Archives:  Moira Butterfield

Newsletter & Website: Lindy Mckeown

Treasurer: Denise Daniel

Retreats:  Hannie Van Cruchten

Gift Quilts Coordinators:  Alison Spurdle/Prue Cooke-Willis

Librarian:  Maree Le Comte

Block of the Month: Judith Havill

Classes Coordinator:  Angela Ambler

Sales Table & Raffles: Nicola Drake

Sit'n'Stitch: Lesley Hall

Almoner: Rachel-Mary Perry

Greeter: Raewyn Hill

Chief Tea Lady: Simone Etheredge

Library Helpers:  Louise Shirkey,  Judy Elliot